Monday 16 July 2012

Kenyataan Naib Ketua Pemuda PBB Sarawak Pandi Suhaili - 16 Julai 2012

Kenyataan Naib Ketua Pemuda PBB Sarawak Pandi Suhaili
16hb Julai 2012

Ketua PKR Sarawak YB Baru Bian patut dipuji kerana sanggup untuk menjadi 'pak sanggup' kepada politik sandiwara yang dirancang oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar sedia maklum bahawa sekiranya beliau yang membuat pendedahan (palsu), rakyat tidak akan dapat menerima penipuan seumpama itu lagi.

Oleh itu beliau mengarahkan Baru untuk melaku pendedahan (palsu) bagi pihaknya.

Sungguh setia sekali Baru terhadap ketuanya. Sanggup untuk diketawakan oleh rakyat Malaysia. Demi mengekalkan kedudukan sebagai pemimpin nombor satu di Sarawak.

Saya ingin mencadangkan agar Baru memilih tarikh September 16 sebagai tarikh untuk mendedahkan nama-nama wakil rakyat Barisan Nasional (BN) yang akan menyertai Pakatan Rakyat.

Ini membuatkan sandiwara ini lebih menarik. Ianya akan seperti sandiwara yang pernah dimainkan oleh ketuanya.

Saya yakin ini akan membuatkan rakyat akan tertunggu-tunggu dengan kehadiran tarikh keramat tersebut kerana mereka semua ingin mengetahui siapakah yang akan menyertai pembangkang.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya menjangka pembangkang akan cuba berbuat bodoh seolah-olah hal wakil rakyat BN menyertai Pakatan Rakyat ini tidak pernah disebut-sebut oleh Baru.

Saya berani berkata bahawa ini adalah sandiwara pembangkang yang cuba untuk melihat bagaimana reaksi rakyat. 

Ini adalah satu penipuan semata-mata untuk 'test the water'.

Atas dasar ini, saya mendesak Baru untuk meminta maaf kepada rakyat Sarawak kerana cuba untuk memperbodohkan rakyat Sarawak.

Keengganan ketuanya untuk memberi komen secara langsung dengan hal yang berkaitan dengan apa yang diperkatakannya mengukuhkan lagi bahawa Baru berbohong dan bersandiwara dengan harapan rakyat Sarawak akan dapat diperbodohkan.

Tidak dinafikan ada rakyat Sarawak yang tertipu dengan sandiwara Anwar dan kuncu-kuncunya tetapi majoriti rakyat masih lagi bersama Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya dan Pergerakan Pemuda PBB Sarawak tidak akan berdiam diri dan membiarkan Anwar dan kuncu-kuncu terus memperbodohkan rakyat Sarawak.

Sekian. Terimakasih.

Posted on July 16, 2012, Monday

KUCHING: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yesterday sidestepped questions regarding the purported defection of two Sabah MPs from Barisan Nasional.

When asked by reporters about rumours that Tuaran MP Datuk Wilfred Bumburing and Beaufort MP Datuk Seri Lajim Ukim would be jumping ship, his response was: “Rumours, huh?”

Speculations in Sabah have it that Bumburing, who is Upko deputy president, and Lajim, an Umno supreme council member, were to quit yesterday but the plan was aborted and postponed.

Anwar, who is also opposition leader, however said it would take not just MPs and individuals for change and reform to take place in the country but a total clamour from the people.

“We would certainly welcome people committed to the reform agenda, people who understand the Buku Jingga (manifesto) and Pakatan Rakyat agenda.

“What is important is not just the position of Datuk Wilfred or Datuk Lajim but what the Sabahans want. And leaders must respect and respond accordingly. And I would certainly welcome them if their ideas respect the wishes and sentiments of the Sabahans,” he said yesterday.

Anwar was in Kuching for a two-day visit, during which he gave speeches at the Pakatan ‘ceramah’ (political talk) at a seafood restaurant in Kampung Serayan, Lundu and in Satok on Saturday night before leaving for Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

On the seat allocation among Pakatan parties for the 31 parliamentary seats in Sarawak, he said negotiations between PKR, DAP and PAS were still ongoing at the state level and some were brought up to the national level.

He was the adamant the issue of overlapping claims by Pakatan parties over several seats in Sarawak would be resolved by the time Parliament is dissolved.

“Recently (PKR deputy president) Azmin Ali, (PAS secretary general Datuk) Mustafa Ali and (DAP national vice chairman) Tan Kok Wai have come up saying we have resolved about 90 per cent of the (222) seats in the country.

“It is still in the level of discussions involving election directors of each party. For me, 90 per cent, it’s okay lah. When it is near dissolution of the Parliament, we will solve it. We don’t even know when the election is whether it is September, October or next year,” he said.

Meanwhile, PKR state chairman Baru Bian said the frequent visits by Pakatan leaders to Sarawak showed their concern for the state.


Posted on July 11, 2012, Wednesday

KUCHING: State PKR liaisons chief Baru Bian yesterday claimed that some Barisan Nasional (BN) elected representatives have indicated their interests to join the opposition in the coming general election.

Without giving names, he said the elected representatives were both from Sabah and Sarawak.

“I have heard rumours (of BN elected representatives wanting to join the opposition) and they have approached me personally,” Baru told a press conference at PKR service centre here yesterday.

He added that the BN elected representatives who wanted to join the opposition were in disagreement with some BN policies.

Baru said the people’s support towards the opposition was getting stronger, citing his visit to Kota Kinabalu on Sunday which was very encouraging.

“I say that the response has been extraordinary. Where ever we went, there were not enough chairs for the people to sit,” he said.

Baru also said that PKR would remain focus in contesting 10 seats, including Julau where two local professionals had been going to the ground to canvass for support, in the coming general election.

Meanwhile, Baru said the ‘Kembar 3K’ pledge of peace and security, stability and harmony, and prosperity and progress by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was nothing new.

“What does it mean for the people in the interior of Sarawak?” he asked.

He said there was no prosperity or stability when lands were continually being grabbed by crony companies with BN connections and unsolved cases involving landowners in rural areas being intimidated by gangsters hired by plantations owners.

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