Thursday, 30 August 2018

Govt urged to solve Malay-Melanau communities housing woes now

August 30th, 2018

KUCHING: Housing woes faced by Malay and Melanau communities in Sarawak must be addressed quickly and effectively by Gabungan Parti Sarawak the ruling coalition in the state.

Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) supreme council member, Pandi Suhaili said if the problem were to be addressed just before the next state election the people would perceive the effort as an election gimmick.

“Nobody will take last minute effort seriously. Even children will say such a move will be nothing but an election gimmick,”he told The Borneo Post in an exclusive interview on Tuesday.

Pandi was saddened that many families, are squatting in one house now as the newlyweds could not afford to buy their own property.

“Some houses are shared by five families. You are not only seeing the father, the son family, grandson family and in some extreme cases even the great grandchildren families are sharing the old family house because they cannot afford to buy a home,” he said.

BAHAM defends Pandi

August 30th, 2018

KUCHING: The issue of Malay communal land brought up by Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) supreme council member, Pandi Suhaili was not intended to question the credibility of the state government leadership under Datuk Patinggi Dr Abdul Rahman Johari Tun Openg.

Sarawak Malays Rights Group (Baham) chairman, Dr Sanib Said in responding to Pandi’s concern, claimed that 90 per cent of Sarawak Malays do not own any communal land and their claim on such land should not be taken lightly.

“The issue became hotter after the Dayak community rights over Pemakai Menoa Pulau Galau (PMPG) are recognised and they just happened to take place under this new leadership,” he explained.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with The Borneo Post at SCMF office at Jalan Rodway, Sanib said that PMPG issue had awakened the Malays on land ownership issues because to the Malays community land come under full control of the government, Sanib pointed.

“The Malays knew they are in trouble and this issue is very serious to the Malays because 90 per cent of Sarawak Malays are landless.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Gen Y Melayu/Melanau payah memiliki rumah

28hb Ogos 2018

KUCHING: Kepayahan memiliki rumah yang dihadapi oleh kalangan anak muda Melayu/Melanau di seluruh Sarawak mesti ditangani dengan cepat dan berkesan oleh kerajaan negeri.

Ahli majlis tertinggi Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), Pandi Suhaili (gambar) menegaskan kerajaan negeri boleh kehilangan kepercayaan daripada golongan tersebut jika membuat apa-apa pengumuman untuk menangani isu itu pada saat terakhir sebelum pilihan raya negeri akan datang.

"Tiada sesiapa akan memandang serius tindakan saat terakhir. Malah kanak-kanak sekarang juga tahu itu cuma gimik pilihan raya," katanya ketika ditemu-bual Utusan Borneo, hari ini.

Pandi berkata kerajaan negeri telah memberi respon kepada seruan masyarakat Dayak untuk mengiktiraf isu Pemakai Menoa Pulau Galau (PMPG), dan ia hanya adil bagi Melayu/Melanau jika isu mereka itu turut diambil berat.

Tidak seperti Dayak, komuniti Melayu/Melanau kini hampir hilang semua tanah apabila semua rizab kampung mereka telah diterokai oleh syarikat swasta (dengan bantuan daripada individu tertentu) untuk membuka ladang kelapa sawit.